The world is not the same as it used to be seven months back. The widespread corona pandemic has changed the ways we used to behave socially. A little thing made a big difference in our lives. Here is how our social life has undergone some visible changes:
Social Gatherings: The occasions of birthdays, marriage, housewarming, baby shower, funeral, festivals and public events which used to be a crowded affair are now marked by minimized attendance.
Greetings: The way we greet others shows the way we bond with them. Shaking hands, hugging and even pecking on cheek were the ways people used to express joy on meeting somebody. Now a sanskari namaste is enough to keep others at bay without any offence to them.
Stay-at-Home Family: Now stay-at-home moms have got company with kids and their dads staying at home too. Working from home has its comforts but home-schooling is still not a popular concept. While online education is there to ensure that kids don’t miss out on their studies, they are robbed of their daily joys of school recess, bonding with classmates and the sense of being set free like a bird from a cage when the school was over. The whole family in spite of being together is not able to go out and enjoy.
Travel tips for beginners in this time can be read in detail here
Masked Beauties: Unlike veil, mask does not have any gender bias to it but seeing a beautiful face in public and falling in love with it is not that easy anymore for the young hearts.
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